Volunteer Opportunities
There are many different opportunities for volunteering!
- Fundraising
- Shelter Advocacy
- Assistance with weekly groups
- “Adopt-A-Room” makeovers
- Male Advocacy
- Child Care for shelter residents
- Transportation
- Office Assistant
- Internship
- Foster pets for victims in shelter
- Life skill classes :Any hobbies that you could pass on for entertainment or skill value
- Job Skills-Job searching, Resume writing, interview skills etc
- Basic Car Maintenance-Tire pressure, jump starting a car, changing a tire, checking fluids etc
- Food Prep/Cooking- Easy baking, easy cooking, preparing freezer to crock pot meals, basic nutrition, shopping on a budget etc
- Hobbies- Gardening, Basic sewing, yarn hobbies, scrap booking etc
- Fundraising
- Community: Distribute CRA educational or event flyers
- Shelter Maintenance
- Organize weekly movie night
Volunteers are the heart of CRA
To download the application & disclosures, please click on the link below.
Please download all 5 pages, complete and mail or drop of at CRA.
Please call 715-825-4414 for details